VERLEGT VOM 11.04.2020, SPORTHALLE sowie 04.12.2021 & 10.12.2022, EDEL-OPTICS.DE ARENA
Das Konzert von Kreator & Lamb of God, ursprünglich am 11.04.20 in der Sporthalle Hamburg und als Nachholtermin am 04.12.21 bzw. 10.12.22 in der edel-optics.de Arena geplant, kann leider nicht wie geplant stattfinden. Das Konzert wird am 05.03.23 in der edel-optics.de Arena nachgeholt. Bereits erworbene Tickets behalten ihre Gültigkeit.
Wir bitten um Beachtung der neuen Einlass- und Beginnzeiten!
Wir danken für Euer Verständnis und freuen uns auf ein tolles Konzert im März 2023!
It is with great regret that LAMB OF GOD & KREATOR have to announce that their „STATE OF UNREST“ co-headline tour, which was scheduled for November and December this year, had to be postponed.
LAMB OF GOD stated: „EUROPE – we regrettably announce that due to unforeseen circumstances we have to postpone the ‚State of Unrest‘ tour with Kreator to February / March 2023. Support for the new dates will be announced soon.“
KREATOR commented: „Hordes, we deeply regret having to move the State of Unrest tour to February 2023, due to factors outside of Kreator’s control.
To those 50,000 people who have held tickets since 2020, thank you for your continued support and excitement for these shows!
Fortunately, you won’t have to wait too long. We hope that your already amazing patience can hold out for another 2 months, we promise it will be worth the wait.
To those who are unable to attend the new dates, refunds are available to you – please contact your point of purchase. See you soon!“
>>> INFO
VERLEGT VOM 11.04.2020, SPORTHALLE sowie 04.12.2021 & 10.12.2022, EDEL-OPTICS.DE ARENA
Das Konzert von Kreator & Lamb of God, ursprünglich am 11.04.20 in der Sporthalle Hamburg und als Nachholtermin am 04.12.21 bzw. 10.12.22 in der edel-optics.de Arena geplant, kann leider nicht wie geplant stattfinden. Das Konzert wird am 05.03.23 in der edel-optics.de Arena nachgeholt. Bereits erworbene Tickets behalten ihre Gültigkeit.
Wir bitten um Beachtung der neuen Einlass- und Beginnzeiten!
Wir danken für Euer Verständnis und freuen uns auf ein tolles Konzert im März 2023!
It is with great regret that LAMB OF GOD & KREATOR have to announce that their „STATE OF UNREST“ co-headline tour, which was scheduled for November and December this year, had to be postponed.
LAMB OF GOD stated: „EUROPE – we regrettably announce that due to unforeseen circumstances we have to postpone the ‚State of Unrest‘ tour with Kreator to February / March 2023. Support for the new dates will be announced soon.“
KREATOR commented: „Hordes, we deeply regret having to move the State of Unrest tour to February 2023, due to factors outside of Kreator’s control.
To those 50,000 people who have held tickets since 2020, thank you for your continued support and excitement for these shows!
Fortunately, you won’t have to wait too long. We hope that your already amazing patience can hold out for another 2 months, we promise it will be worth the wait.
To those who are unable to attend the new dates, refunds are available to you – please contact your point of purchase. See you soon!“